last weekend was a blast! went to 太仓 to stayover at rohps'
it was a dead town.loads of space on the roads and nobody,no cars
headed to 苏州 the next morning, it was hot as hell- 39 degrees
and we followed rohps to CLIMB the pagoda.
unlike 雷锋塔 in 杭州,
this one had no lift!
then we went to some garden which was nice
i felt like a tang dynasty poetwalking around the chinese villas, book in my hand lily pond and pavilion outside,
flipping my long pig tail and twisting my beard in my fingers
anyway, to satisfy the cravings of rohps and jes,
we had kfc for dinner at 5pm RIGHT after we had jap food for lunch!
no wonder i put on 6kgs since i arrived
then we headed to monsoon at suzhou creek with ben n amy for wine : )

so sunday was set aside for photo shoot with the 马当路-ers
it was some crazy idea sam, amy n i came up with one night at 泰康路
to print the "in sh" tshirt which we saw at a shop there
and take cd album shots for keeps.
one of the destinated venues for the shoot was at 浦东-上海科技馆
it was then that we realised two things:
it wasnt as easy as the locals make it seem
and we ALL suck at it
these are some of my favourites from the shoot : )