

with kenny & ronald at 上海南站 where some ppl don't buy tickets
sneak into the train and try to take your seat

at 西湖with yen san,shanjin,sam & carolyn
forgot the street name, but it was touristy

雷锋塔where 白蛇卷was set
i enjoyed just being there cuz i remember the show
with 张曼玉and 林青霞 when i was a kid
and i wanted to be 小青- the green snake
the whole gang on top of 雷锋塔


copperfront said...

so happy to see 2 of my favourite girls! hehe...

and i went to 洗湖too! my mom likes it there. hehe.. cos of the cooling alleys and stuff.

quirks said...

sung!!!!update ur blog!
hahah, it's 西湖, like west lake...
will u be back in singapore in december? i'll talk to u more in italy cuz unlike here, there's internet at the place im living at. but shanghai really very nice!!! i wanna move here.